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Arts Across Canada Translation

The Translation component of Arts Across Canada funds activities linked to the translation of Canadian literary works or dramatic works into various languages for Canadian publication or presentation.

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Funding Amount

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Eligible Applicants

Incorporated Canadian for-profit businesses <500 full-time payroll employees and between $100,000-$100M in Canadian annual revenue

Eligible Activities

translate Canadian-authored literary work into French, English or an Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) language, for publication; translate and surtitle Canadian-authored dramatic work into French, English or an Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) language, for Canadian presentation; translate Canadian-authored dramatic work into American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), or any other regional or Indigenous sign language for Canadian presentation
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Deadline to Apply


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Approval rating across all Canadian funding programs


Average time savings to our clients, compared to
businesses that apply for funding in-house
Woman on high chair reading a book in a small room with windows