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Government Funding Directory

Canadian Government Grant, Loan, and Funding Programs
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Vérifier l’admissibilité de votre idée de projet, impliquer la communauté dans un projet environnemental, soutenir la mise en œuvre de projets découlant d’un Plan de gestion intégré régional (PGIR)


Eligible projects for Canada's Ocean Supercluster's Innovation Ecosystem Projects and Activity Program include those aimed at building a robust innovation ecosystem to support the sector's significant growth potential. Specifically, projects that help ocean startup companies become established and grow, support capacity building and sector workforce development, build and expand ocean networks and partnerships, and increase visibility of Canada’s global ocean brand qualify.


The fund provides support for projects and investments to existing businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in eastern Ontario. The objective of the program is to provide financial support and services to help growing companies in eastern Ontario make investments to grow their businesses, improve productivity, invest in innovation and skills development, pursue new markets, generate broad positive regional economic impact, and create new sustainable jobs.


Various activities related to environmental conservation and improvement of the Saint-Laurent ecosystem


Les activités de sensibilisation, Des projets d’étude, Des projets d’étude-action, Restauration et/ou protection de la biodiversité


Various community projects related to conserving and improving the ecosystem of the Saint-Laurent


Support health and wellness, advance environmental health, build a highly skilled and connected Canada, capture economic potential of made-in-Canada AI technology solutions, accelerate the adoption of Canadian quantum technologies, harness data-driven digital innovation, focus on industry challenges and social issues


Community Economic Development, Business plans, Marketing plans, Management training, Mentoring programs, Seminars and workshops, Entrepreneurship development, Conference attendance


effectuer un bilan de la consommation énergétique et des émissions de GES, implanter des mesures, suivre les résultats afin de réduire la consommation de carburant et les émissions de GES, l’analyse énergétique, l’étude de faisabilité et de planification, l’implantation des mesures, le suivi des performances énergétiques, toute autre activité d’accompagnement liée aux objectifs


Formation à l’écoconduite pour conducteurs de véhicules légers ou lourds.


Automate and streamline review and approval process, enhance child care affordability, align with BCSSA regional chapters


Projects addressing national or sector-wide priorities in adaptation to new technology, environmental sustainability, strategic planning and capacity building, and emerging issues.


Running a licensed family or group child care facility


Automate and streamline review and approval process, enhance child care affordability, align with BCSSA regional chapters


Selling or distributing food and other essentials at reduced prices with financial support from the NNC retail subsidy.


Active transportation infrastructure, Shared mobility services, Capacity building and community engagement


Customizable turn-key booth in Canada Pavilion events, focus on new to market, first-time exhibitors, and innovative products


Improve productivity, innovation, market access, and benefits to Ontario’s forest sector.


Supports projects to establish commercial feasibility of innovative natural products or technologies, including food production, bioproducts, sustainability, nutrition, health, wellness, animal health, water, waste management, and excludes IT and mechanical solutions.


Acquisition of technology, software, patents, etc.; Working capital fund; Professional fees; Capital expenses (land, building, equipment, incorporation expenses, etc.)


branding and promotional strategies, maintaining and accessing new markets, ensuring product integrity, strengthening relationships and fostering increased collaboration


Assist business leaders in reviewing their strategic planning and find partners, support the development of SMEs in international markets, encourage strategic alliances and partnerships


Capital costs for Indigenous community-owned economic development projects


Adopting transformative technologies, diversifying product streams, supporting demonstration and adoption projects, assessing market and technology feasibility


Retrofits, repairs and upgrades for municipal, territorial, provincial and Indigenous buildings, health infrastructure and schools; COVID-19 response infrastructure; Active transportation infrastructure; Disaster mitigation and adaptation projects; Ventilation improvements projects


Community events: festivals, special anniversaries, volunteer recognition activities. Community Growth Initiatives: community spaces, community planning, access to recreation, community appeal/aesthetics, enhance civic pride or support the community’s well-being.


Strategic planning, capacity building, sector development, community competitiveness, infrastructure planning


Support for creative research, project development, creation and production with the aim of public presentation, confirmed exhibition, or media arts or digital arts production ready for dissemination.


Support for professional development activities and career advancement, including but not limited to: mentorships, internships, apprenticeships, specialized training, workshops


develop and promote artistic programming, build public outreach, support artistic practice, other art forms and the Canadian arts sector


develop and promote artistic programming, build public outreach, support artistic practice, other art forms and the Canadian arts sector


Share artistic works or cultural knowledge, participate in significant artistic or cultural events, undertake research activities, build professional and artistic networks, engage in professional development opportunities, develop regional, national or international markets


Artistic co-productions of new works or exhibitions in collaboration with foreign arts organizations, Financial co-productions


purchase/acquire materials for artistic production, pay honoraria to other professional artists or cultural carriers for specific expertise, advice, or training, engage in career or artistic development activities


The planning, development and/or implementation of projects that support, strengthen, and/or improve the arts sector.


provide targeted resources and opportunities for the development of a particular artistic practice, group of artists and/or arts organizations


Exhibitions and other dissemination initiatives, programming events, non-literary publishing (excluding promotional materials), knowledge-sharing events or forums, public development strategies and initiatives


Travel within Canada, formally represent and promote Canadian artists, build on an existing tour.


encourage dialogue, networking and shared learning; initiate research and analysis; represent and promote the arts to the public; provide ongoing services and opportunities for artists and/or arts organizations


Activities linked to Canadian presentation, exhibition, artistic collaboration, networking and building market opportunities for Canadian artists, arts professionals, artistic groups and arts organizations.


translate Canadian-authored literary work into French, English or an Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) language, for publication; translate and surtitle Canadian-authored dramatic work into French, English or an Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) language, for Canadian presentation; translate Canadian-authored dramatic work into American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), or any other regional or Indigenous sign language for Canadian presentation


bring artistic programming to Canadian audiences through presentation or exhibition of Canadian work (as well as international work, if applicable) within a biennale, festival or a series of at least 3 events, support artists and strengthen artistic practice, build relationships between artists and the Canadian public


Travel must be outside of Canada, at least 500 kilometers from your place of departure, and by invitation. You can apply for single or several destinations within one trip, to/for: develop markets and networks (including participation in official showcases); present artistic work; explore future artistic collaborations; prospection for exhibition tours (directors and curators only); participate in significant events; build on an existing tour (for a single representative of a group or organization)


Travel linked to the international promotion of Canadian artists and artistic works


Translation of Canadian-authored literary work into a foreign language and related promotional activities; Translation and surtitling of Canadian-authored dramatic work into another language for foreign presentation


Circulation or touring of artists, exhibitions, or artistic works to 1 or more international locations, Cross-border Canada/United States tours with a majority of events in the US


Performing or exhibiting work, learning opportunities, networking at conferences, showcasing at events


Initial phase of their business, including financial assistance, counseling and technical advice


Business Plan guidance, Business Counselling, General Business training


Creating a business plan, meeting with the Self-Employment Benefit Coordinator, completing application form, demonstrating potential for success


Development of strategies, Networking and business contacts, Information, consulting and support services, Implementation of a commercialization strategy, Design of products and services, Acquisition of equipment, IT tools and technologies, Facility development, construction, modernization or expansion, Recruitment or use of specialized resources


Manufacturing and processing capital expenditures related to petrochemical facilities.


Productive and sustainable investments


Support productive and sustainable investments


Productive and sustainable investments in any production sector


Productive and sustainable investments


Annual deposit into an account to receive matching government contributions


La maîtrise d’une terminologie française, l’utilisation du français dans les organisations


Innovation that encourages new products and technologies, infrastructure that encourages the use of new technologies or processes, new science partnerships between industry, academia and other research institutions


Innovation that encourages new products and technologies, infrastructure that encourages the use of new technologies or processes to support the sustainable development of the sector, new science partnerships between industry, academia and other research institutions.


Innovation, infrastructure development, science partnerships


Innovation projects, scaling production capacity, value-added processing for traditional industries


project development, showreel, scriptwriting, editing, research, animation, podcasts, vlogging, micro-films (under 5 minutes), music videos, archive editing, online marketing and promotion materials


Purchase of equipment to produce and harvest, process, and safely store, distribute or transport food; Research, analysis, and advocacy related to food production and harvesting, food processing, and food storage, distribution and transportation; Investments in food production systems; and Investments in skills training related to food production and harvesting, processing or storage, distribution and transportation.


Installation of multiple dwelling building charging stations


Purchase, long-term leasing, and minimum registration period, etc.


Purchase of a used fully electric vehicle


Incremental improvements, repairs, and/or renovations to improve and extend the useful life of capital assets; social and recreational facilities, municipal assets and community halls, implementation of priority economic development initiatives, construction and/or renovation of capital assets that support community economic development, projects aligned with NOHFC’s strategic initiatives


Incremental improvements, repairs, and/or renovations to improve and extend the useful life of capital assets including social and recreational facilities, municipal assets, and community halls


Projects that improve broadband and cellular coverage


Tile drainage installation, project management, land tiling


Theatrical feature films, Scripted television series, Made-for-television movies, Documentaries


New and recurring in-person or virtual community-based and/or tourism events that attract tourists; Annual and/or recurring events that include new programming or activities


Testing and trying out an innovation in a real-world context, Validating the markets targeted during the development of the innovation, Marketing launch, Generating the first sales of the innovation, Improving productivity by installing technological equipment and improving robotization or automation, Adopting clean technologies, Putting in place sustainable development practices


Setting up a new business that meets a commercial demand; The growth or development of its commercial activities; Retention of a business on a commercial street; Development or adoption of a model to make the business more attractive and resilient.


Validation, refinement, diversification, and/or commercialization


Professional fees, projects related to operational efficiencies, internal planning or processes, quality assurance, marketing and promotion costs


strategies to improve productivity, quality, food safety, or environmental management; a plan to integrate the most effective tools for communications, transactions, operations and management, such as IT, project management and systems integration services and solutions; human resource strategies; initiatives such as workflow study, production planning, and logistics planning; assessment and development of strategies for the integration of renewable/clean energy, energy use reduction, and environmental impact improvements; or intellectual property advice, planning and strategy.


Receiving direct payments based on milk quota


increase efficiency or productivity, improve on-farm food safety and biosecurity, improve environmental sustainability, respond to consumer preferences


staff training, efficiency studies, marketing/trade activities, productivity improvements, quality assurance, environmental management systems


Acquisition and installation of rapid direct current charging stations for electric vehicles.


Determination and quantification of potential conversion measures from fossil fuels to bioenergy, and the associated costs.


Réduire les émissions de GES par des mesures de conversion utilisant la bioénergie pour des applications de production d’énergie thermique (chauffage ou procédé) en vue de remplacer, totalement ou partiellement, les combustibles fossiles.


increasing public engagement and support for agriculture, local food and rural development; building youth leadership capacity and increasing youth involvement in the agri-food sector; enhancing safety and risk management practices in the agri-food sector; strengthening public trust and public knowledge about Ontario’s agri-food systems; encouraging agri-food and rural development outcomes


Construction du réseau de chaleur, connexion au réseau de chaleur, aménagement du terrain, travaux d’ingénierie, mise en fonction et calibration des équipements, honoraires professionnels, frais administratifs


The program offers two types of financing with specific conditions.


Développement de procédés de transformation, Conception de produits métalliques avancés, Réduction de l’empreinte écologique, Innovation numérique


Business plans, Market research, Marketing plans, Organization and promotion of marketing and investment events, Organizational capacity development, Participation in trade and investment events, Post-project analysis and support, Professional development workshops on business topics, Promotional materials for new markets and market expansion, Training plans, Capital assets, Capital costs, Implementation support, Leasehold improvements


Business plans, Market research, Marketing plans, Organization and promotion of marketing and investment events, Organizational capacity development, Participation in trade and investment events, Post-project analysis and support, Professional development workshops on business topics, Promotional materials for new markets and market expansion, Training plans, Capital assets, Capital costs, Implementation support, Leasehold improvements, Travel costs


Business plans, Market research, Marketing plans, Organization and promotion of marketing and investment events, Organizational capacity development, Participation in trade and investment events, Post-project analysis and support, Professional development workshops on business topics, Promotional materials for new markets and market expansion, Training plans, Capital assets, Capital costs, Implementation support, Leasehold improvements


sector-wide advertising and promotion, in-store and food service promotions, product demonstrations, market research, development and/or expansion of target audiences, increasing delivery of market development activities, encouraging product development and testing, research into new processing and packaging technology, adapting current branding to meet changing consumer expectations


Installed fuel saving devices or technologies related to tire and rolling resistance, aerodynamic technology, and anti-idling technology of heavy-duty vehicles or trailers.


Applied research and development of clean technologies, Piloting and evaluating clean technologies, Demonstration and knowledge and technology transfer activities, Commercializing and scaling up clean technologies, Other activities that support the Research and Innovation Stream as determined by the program


Supports innovative technology that minimizes agricultural waste and optimizes farm efficiency, and tools that secure business assets.


Adopting agricultural water management practices, on-farm irrigation, on-farm water supply


reduce overhead costs, speed up transactions, respond to clients more quickly, manage inventory more efficiently, improve supply chain logistics


They use Upgraded to write great grants.

Find Canadian small business grants, tax credits, and no-interest loans from the federal and provincial governments. There are various federal and provincial funding programs for your small, medium-sized enterprises (SME) sized business.

Organizations are also eligible for funding programs, such as non-profits, post-secondary research institutions, municipalities, and more.
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