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Canada Global Innovation - Ocean Supercluster - Innovation Ecosystem Projects and Activity Program

The Innovation Ecosystem Projects and Activity program aims to build a robust innovation ecosystem that supports the sector's growth potential. This includes helping ocean startup companies establish and grow, supporting capacity building and sector workforce development, expanding ocean networks and partnerships, and increasing the visibility of Canada’s global ocean brand. Proposals for this program are accepted under a continuous intake, Core program, with funding covering up to 75% of eligible project costs. Projects can range from thousands to millions in value and must conclude by October 2027.

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Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants for the Innovation Ecosystem Projects and Activity Program include any consortiums capable of contributing to the development of Canada's ocean sector innovation ecosystem. This inclusivity allows a broad range of participants, from startups to established companies, academia, regional innovation hubs, Indigenous partners, and other stakeholders, to submit their proposals.

Eligible Activities

Eligible projects for Canada's Ocean Supercluster's Innovation Ecosystem Projects and Activity Program include those aimed at building a robust innovation ecosystem to support the sector's significant growth potential. Specifically, projects that help ocean startup companies become established and grow, support capacity building and sector workforce development, build and expand ocean networks and partnerships, and increase visibility of Canada’s global ocean brand qualify.
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