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Fonds de développement de l'économie sociale

The Fonds de développement de l’économie sociale (FDÉS) (social economy development fund) supports social economy projects, from the planning stage to growth. The FDÉS is also intended to support the emergence of innovative projects that explore new sectors or new approaches or develop new expertise.

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Funding Amount

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Eligible Applicants

Social economy enterprise or a non-profit organization (NPO) with a social economy project headquartered in Montréal, Take a formal entrepreneurial approach, Have self-generated revenue from the sale of goods or services representing 20% of your annual revenue, Show your ability to create or maintain jobs, Invest at least 20% of the total project cost

Eligible Activities

Acquisition of technology, software, patents, etc.; Working capital fund; Professional fees; Capital expenses (land, building, equipment, incorporation expenses, etc.)
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Deadline to Apply


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Approval rating across all Canadian funding programs


Average time savings to our clients, compared to
businesses that apply for funding in-house
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