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Fonds Entrepreneuriat commercial

PME MTL offers a wide range of financing options to promote business development. This commercial entrepreneurship fund is designed to provide financing tailored to the development of businesses in the retail sector.

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Funding Amount

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Eligible Applicants

Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or have a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ); Be legally constituted as a legal person or sole proprietorship and duly registered with the Registre des entreprises du Québec (REQ); Have its place of business in Montreal and have its head office in Quebec; Have obtained the certificate of occupancy and any other permits required to carry out its business project; Have a sales area on the street where goods or services are sold to the public; Not be in debt to the government for amounts owed under tax laws; Submit a business plan or project summary; Present financial forecasts covering at least two full financial years; Present a compilation of financial statements for the last two completed financial years (or the first financial year for companies less than two years old); Present a strategic approach to sustainable development, where applicable; Demonstrate that the company adds value to the existing commercial offering; Provide a capital outlay of at least 20% of the total cost of the project; Not have received a grant or other financial contribution from PME MTL for the same business project.

Eligible Activities

Setting up a new business that meets a commercial demand; The growth or development of its commercial activities; Retention of a business on a commercial street; Development or adoption of a model to make the business more attractive and resilient.
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Deadline to Apply


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Approval rating across all Canadian funding programs


Average time savings to our clients, compared to
businesses that apply for funding in-house
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