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Strategic Improvement Assistance

Recieve up to $600,000 in Government Funding.

This paragraph can include a summary of the program as well as describe eligibility/conditions. No need to get too specific as you probably have a list for that

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Funding Amount

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Eligible Applicants

registered to conduct business and actively operating on Prince Edward Island; manufactures, processes, or develops goods or services primarily for export; operates within one of the strategic sectors mentioned

Eligible Activities

strategies to improve productivity, quality, food safety, or environmental management; a plan to integrate the most effective tools for communications, transactions, operations and management, such as IT, project management and systems integration services and solutions; human resource strategies; initiatives such as workflow study, production planning, and logistics planning; assessment and development of strategies for the integration of renewable/clean energy, energy use reduction, and environmental impact improvements; or intellectual property advice, planning and strategy.
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Deadline to Apply


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Approval rating across all Canadian funding programs


Average time savings to our clients, compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house
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