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Potential saviings - Luluemon.
$1324 software savings. $76590/year automations savings. $62400/year grants and financing savings.Technology Savings Estimate.
Name: webflow, google, sign now, AWS, zoom, quickbooks, intercom, Microsoft, upload care,, medium.
Your tech savings estimate: $10324Upgraded. Grants and Financing. 
Business information: Incorporation date
Details: 2017
Business information: Employees
Details: 1
Business information: Contractors
Details: 2
Business information: Profitable
Details: No
Business information: location of operations
Details: Ontario
Business information: Type of Business
Details: For-profit
Business information: In-person possible
Details: Toronto
Business information: Revenue
Details: $500000
Your grants estimate: $62400/year
Your Financing Estimate: Up to $1000000
Total grants you are eligible for: up to $7454000Automations - Entrepreneur.
Your automations savings estimate: $74063/year
Your valuation Increase estimate at 3 times EBITDA: $222189